Messla Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Company

Who are we?

A Libyan company specialized in the field of air conditioning and refrigeration, the company’s headquarters is in the municipality of Wadi Al-Bawanis, Samnou locality.

It provides its services in the entire south of Libya. The company supplies air conditioning and heating devices suitable for the desert climate in the name of its brand. It guarantees its customers quality and safety. The company owns a team of experts in the field of air conditioning. The company seeks to provide integrated solutions and services in the field of air conditioning and Heating suits the local environment of southern Libya.

Our Goal

Customer satisfaction, listening to customers, understanding their problems and needs, and responding accurately to any request. Continuous commitment

Our Mission

Providing radical and effective solutions to the problems of ventilation, desert air conditioning and central heating.

Our Values

Quality, commitment, accuracy, we are committed to the rules of trust and honesty, and customer satisfaction remains first.

We are Distinguished By

We have an expert team

The company owns a team of trained technicians who are proficient in dealing with ventilation, air conditioning and heating systems of all kinds

Integrated Services

We provide everything you need in the field of air conditioning and ventilation

We Provide After-sales Services

We organize our products, which are supplied on behalf of our company

Contact Details